Ashley Baxter is the Executive Pastor Anchor Bend Network and a Healthcare consulting specialist with a strong track record of success in the Post-Acute space. In this Episode she shares on healing leadership and personal related injury, trauma, or disappointments so that a leader can live and lead to full potential. Thank you for Joining us as we learn from her leadership and life related devastation and how she overcame the effects of such experiences. … [Read more...]
Inner Healing and Our Becoming with Dominic Schulte
Dominic Schulte is a relationally-attuned leader, community builder, coach, and counselor in training. He spent half of his career as a cyber security professional, executive, and company co-founder, where he helped build a strong company with a thriving culture that was acquired before his exit. He is passionate about personal growth, transformation, and relational attachment. Thank you for Joining us for this wonderful Episode of Healing A leader's Heart where he shares with us about "Inner … [Read more...]
Healing Deep Hurts with Pr. Peter Johnston & Pr. Ashley
Is there Power and Purpose in Godly Lamenting? In this episode, we are being helped to answer this question by Pastor Peter Johnston; the Founder for Impact of Truth Institute, professor at Okwu and Pastor at Anchor Bend Church together with Pastor Ashley Baxter; THE CEO for Mission forward LLC & Associate Pastor Anchor Bend Church. Watch the video or listen to the audio file below. … [Read more...]
Healing, The Land and Forgiveness with Craig Daell
Craig Deall, CEO of Foundations for Farming Global, shared about the innovative ways, based on Biblical principles, in which farmers in Zimbabwe increased their production and the nation's food supply through the efforts of that organization. It had recently received the Christian Economic Forum's Extraordinary Impact Award. You can learn about the organization through Watch the video or listen to the audio file below. … [Read more...]
Healing and Leadership with Rev. Geoffrey Byarugaba
Rev. Canon Geoffrey Byarugaba is the Vicar at Church of Resurrection - Bugolobi, Kampala. He was elected as the Chair of the Provincial House of Clergy. He is born again and currently serves as the Vicar of All Saints’ Cathedral, Kampala. He has also served as the Acting Chaplain of St. Francis Chapel and the National Team Leader of AEE (African Evangelistic Enterprise). He is married to Daisy and they have two children. Watch the video or listen to the audio file below. … [Read more...]