Peter Keith Greer is an author, speaker, and president and CEO of HOPE International, a global Christ-centered economic development organization serving throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. Peter and his wife, Laurel, have four children and live in Lancaster. Thanks for tuning in for this first Episode … [Read more...]

Welcome to Healing a Leader’s Heart Podcast, we are so glad you are joining us!
When we talk about leaders and leadership, most people and most resources focus on how to become a successful and effective leader. Emphasis is put on how well leaders should lead or do their work. We hear more about traits of a good leader such as an effective leader should be able to provide direction, inspiration, and guidance, good leaders exhibit courage, passion, confidence, commitment, and ambition. Leaders foster the strengths and talents of their people and build teams committed to achieving common goals.
However, what we do not hear much about is what it has taken to make a leader. The hardships, the brokenness, the fear and self-doubt, the trauma and all other leadership or life related issues that affect leaders and what they must go through and overcome to be effective or to stay focused as leaders.
In this podcast we will focus on healing from leadership and life ordeals and restoring the potential, confidence, vision, and strength of a leader. We will talk about those things that cripple leadership potential and we will listen and learn from those leaders who have been there. We will concentrate on healing leadership and personal related injury, trauma, or disappointments so that the leader can live and lead to full potential. To leaders who have gone through difficult situations, we say, YES you can heal. To leaders whose confidence, vision and potential have been shaken we say, YES, you are the right person and YES, you can do it. YES, you have what it takes.
Join us as we learn from those who have gone through leadership and life related devastation and have overcome the effects of such experiences.
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